Wednesday, August 10, 2011

"I do not like that man. I must get to know him better." Abraham Lincoln

"I do not like that man. I must get to know him better." Abraham Lincoln

Today, think of that one person you cannot stand, the one that rubs you the wrong way. Now ask yourself honestly-How well do I really know them? Chances are you know them and know about them and may even know a lot about them but maybe not ENOUGH. Why? Someone likes them, someone probably them them. Married them and lives with them. So where is the disconnect? Why don't you like them? Many reasons and they all boil down to the one President Lincoln Gave in todays quote: you don't know them well enough.

So take time today to find one person that you just don't like, tell them if applicable, "I know we haven't always seen eye to eye but did you ever hear this quote by Lincoln? Lets grab coffee?"

At least you tried and who knows, you might make a new friend.

Have a great day and a better tomorrow!
