Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"I merely took the energy it takes to pout and wrote some blues." Duke Ellington

"I merely took the energy it takes to pout and wrote some blues." Duke Ellington

One of my favorite musicians and now one of my favorite quotes. I never knew he said this but it offers great wisdom. Duke Ellington took the unfortunate things that happened to them and used them to inspire his ability to write wonderful music. A musical genius. Music we still enjoy today. There is an equation in here I think.

Our Situation + Our Ability = difference in others lives.

He made a point about he used his energy. He could have used it to pout or have a 'pity party' as some call it and do nothing about his life but instead it fed his motivation because he had abilities and used them.

So today, what can you pout less about? What can you instead do to apply the equation:
Our Situation + Our Ability = difference in others lives?

Whose life will we change today? Start with your own but don't forget others. Use your situation and your abilities to make 'music' in the lives of others around you today!

Have a MUSICAL day!
