Monday, January 30, 2012

If You Die Today, What Dreams Die With You? - Les Brown

I love this thought. It reminds EACH of us that we have GREATNESS within us. It is the thought That WE are responsible for living a life we have dreamed of. We all have goals and each one of the goals is so very specific and personal to US.

But it affects so many others and IF we die WITHOUT acting on them then we are guilty of not sharing them with our family, our friends, our church or the world.

Think about ALL the things you enjoy today- large and small. Imagine if the creator of those wonderful things died before giving birth to those ideas. The phone, TV, cars, running water! So many things that were just the DREAMS of some.

So what dreams lie within you. Do not let them stay bottled up but rather, share them and make them a reality!