Wednesday, May 22, 2013

"You cant begin the next chapter of life if you keep rereading the last chapter".

I appreciated what friend shared with me last week. He said Walt,

"You cant begin the next chapter of life if you keep rereading the last chapter".

I wholeheartedly agree.

You cant. You wont. Especially if you clearly relive the same tenuous sagas of chapters written long ago. Even if you try to recast the story of your life anew, it wont alter that which was originally penned.

So write the chapter once, read it and move on. If you made irrevocable entries in it, this is OK since you surely can correct them in the next.

But as with any action in life there is choice always intertwined with it. There is always one action that is the better of the two, or one choice that is the lesser of two evils. One may help and one may help less.

But don't entirely banish those earlier episodes. Indeed, for they are in fact the history of you and they are the touchstones that will show you how far you come! Let them guide you going forward to the next lighthouses you visit but not hinder your movements with paralysis.

Remember: The past is a wonderful place to VISIT but a terrible place to live.