Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well. - Voltaire

Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well. - Voltaire

The Motivational Quote of the Day isn't always about motivating you to be inspired or feel better about yourself. As some of you long members are aware its ALWAYS about motivating you to be a better person, somehow someway. Today's quote is one of those days.

What do you appreciate in others? Don't look for others to appreciate you unless you have appreciated them first. Sounds backwards or unfair? How come you always have to be the first? Because you are capable of taking the lead. When you appreciate a certain ability or skill or talent in others how does it belong to you as well? Its in your heart. You can see it anytime you want and access it on demand. I love singing and I love listening to people who can sing. I appreciate the beauty of their talent even though I will NEVER be that good (not even remotely).

Other qualities of people we can appreciate, like Kindness or Goodness. Then we can certainly strive to emulate these and they can belong to us as well.

Your goal for today: make a concerted effort to appreciate something special about someone else and then TELL them about it. Perhaps you will gain insight into that talent and it can become your own as well.

Have a great day and a better tomorrow!
