Wednesday, December 19, 2012

In business as in life, your chances of being run over double if you stay in the middle of the road

In business as in life, your chances of being run over double if you stay in the middle of the road.

All week I have been writing about complacency. Seems like a good topic when dealing with motivation. There are generally AT MINIMUM two lanes in a road and two chances of getting hit by cars in two different directions. Always more exists we can agree on that right?

Why do some walk the middle of the road in life? Because people who have not haven't chosen their own path let people from both sides of the road PULL them to where they feel that person should walk. The end of up ion the middle. BAM! They will get hit!

They and You should walk your OWN course. If you stay in the middle you WILL and probably HAVE already been run over by the ideals and values of others.

Pick something and see it through do not be tossed to and fro by the winds and waves of this world.

Do not be a bystander in your own life- Take control and take responsibility!

Have a Fantastic day and a much better tomorrow.
